So This Is The Plan....

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States
Alright...everyone who knows me, knows that I'm semi-nomadic. This can make keeping in touch difficult at times. Plus...sometimes I'd rather "sneak away" from the civilized world. :) A good friend had the wonderful idea of starting a blog...mostly meant for the people in my life that would like to keep some level of "tabs" on what I've been up to or just find out where in the country I currently am. And by checking in here, I'll know to get back to you...hence - keeping in touch! I'm also gonna talk about a bunch of hiker stuff and some foodie stuff, too - that might appeal to perfect Welcome, whoever you are! Enjoy and leave me a note to say hello. :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Off To Seattle

     Tomorrow, at 6:15 pm, I get on a one-way direct flight to Seattle.  Six hours later I'll be, once again, in the state I now consider home.  I've drifted away a few times, and I can't promise that this incurable wanderer won't ever wonder again, but for now - I can't wait to get back.  I had to put off my Appalachian Trail hike once again, which was not an easy decision, but I'm very excited to start fresh in my favorite city and get on with my life. 
     Nothing that happens in your life is ever  a waste.  You always learn something and these past six months have tested my levels of compassion and forgiveness like they've never been tested before.  It was also a nice cooling off period.  A low-tech retreat in many ways.  So all-in-all - no regrets.  But...I'm done.  I'm ready to move on and I'm full of ambition.  I've got plenty of new goals and fresh ideas.  I'm fully energized and feel like I can take on the long as the world is green and maybe a little rainy.  Seattle - here I come!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bowing Out...For Now

     Alright, I'm going to keep this short because, honestly, I'm a bit upset.  I've finally come to the hard decision to put off my A.T. hike this year.  Financially, it's just not going to happen.  I had previously decided that, even though I wouldn't have enough set aside to make it all the way to Maine, I would just go as far as I could.  The more I thought about that plan, the more sure I became that that's just not how I want to do this thing.  I've been planning forever and I want to do it right.  I know - Hike Your Own Hike - and I will.  My way.  When I can afford to.  I'm not giving up, just facing realism.  Oh day...