So This Is The Plan....

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States
Alright...everyone who knows me, knows that I'm semi-nomadic. This can make keeping in touch difficult at times. Plus...sometimes I'd rather "sneak away" from the civilized world. :) A good friend had the wonderful idea of starting a blog...mostly meant for the people in my life that would like to keep some level of "tabs" on what I've been up to or just find out where in the country I currently am. And by checking in here, I'll know to get back to you...hence - keeping in touch! I'm also gonna talk about a bunch of hiker stuff and some foodie stuff, too - that might appeal to perfect Welcome, whoever you are! Enjoy and leave me a note to say hello. :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Simple Happiness

     As I was walking to the library this morning, I had a thought - Life Is Good.  A little background...I'm walking because my truck is falling apart, I'm currently living with my uncle, I'm unemployed, I'm single (and still kinda heartbroken) and I don't have very much in the bank.  And I'm happy. 
     Yes, I do worry about the future a little.  I need to find something I love doing - that will actually allow me to put some money away.  But I will.  For now, I can look behind me and see a life full of experiences - good, bad, scary, boring, life-changing.  I've touched lives and made the world better.  I've loved...deeply.  I've laughed, cried...and it's made me who I am today.
    I have friends and ex-friends who live their lives a little differently.  They would judge me, I think, for my "lack of direction" and my inability to stay in one place for too long.  They've "settled down" into serious careers, building families and buying homes.  And I truly hope that they are all happy.  Because that's what really matters.  Do what you need to do, to really enjoy living.
     Now I'm not talking about hedonistic anarchy here.  If you need a nice home to feel happy, then you better go get a job to support your happiness.  If you decide having kids is your path - then you better be prepared to make the decisions that keep you all happy.  And so on.
    You can only control this very moment.  Right NOW!  So be happy for what you've got.  I'm so very grateful to have amazing siblings and parents that support my decisions.  I'm grateful to live in this country; with all of it's flaws, we are still some of the luckiest people on Earth.  I'm grateful to have an awesome dog, that I consider my son.  I'm grateful for today's sunshine after a week of clouds. 
     It doesn't take much.  Stop and be quiet.  Breathe.  And choose to be happy.  Life Is Good...

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